Team BEEF Oregon is ran by the Oregon CattleWomen with support by the Oregon Beef Council.
Beef-loving runners, cyclists and triathletes of all backgrounds and abilities are invited to join Team Beef Oregon. As a member of our team you’ll be provided with a running jersey and you can be reimbursed for select runs/races in Oregon. You DO NOT have to have an agricultural or beef background to join our team.
Submit an online application and profile picture to be used in the Team Profile section of the website. Team Members must participate in at least 1 race per year and wear the Team BEEF Oregon jersey. Team Members must post at least once to social media. See social media guidelines/suggestions below. Team members agree to complete the Masters of Beef Advocacy Course and email a copy of the diploma to [email protected].
Consider taking the 30-Day Protein challenge and journaling it on social media:
To sign up and learn more about Team BEEf Oregon click HERE